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By the Decree of the President's Advisor

CEO of Chabahar Free Zone Appointed

Economic | Date : 25-Sep-2022 | visits :435
By order of the president's adviser and the secretary of the Supreme Council of Trade-Industrial and Special Economic Free Zones, "Amir Moghaddam" was appointed as the chairman of the board of directors and CEO of the Chabahar Free Zone Organization.

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Chabahar Free Zone, quoted by the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Free and Special Economic Zones, "Saeed Mohammad" has stated in this ruling;
Dear Mr. Amir Moghaddam
Based on article No. 6 of the law on how to administer Trade-industrial free zones and the delegation of authority to the honorable presidency and according to the approval letter No. 57419/T60056K dated 04/08/1401 of the commission subject to article 138 of the constitution, considering your records and valuable experiences, as a result of this announcement, you are appointed as "Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Chabahar Trade-Industrial Free Zone Organization".
Your Excellency is required to put forth great effort to remove production-related barriers and support industries in order to expand and facilitate production by taking advantage of the strategic capabilities of that region in order to realize resistance economy policies, increase exports and investment, as well as transfer advanced technologies and offer services. This is in reference to the Supreme Leader's orders regarding the naming of this year as "Production, Knowledge-Based and Job-Creating."
I ask God Almighty for your increasing success in fulfilling the assigned duties in accordance with the provisions of the "Managers' Agreement" in a people's government.
With more than 25 years of experience in the construction industry, Moghaddam has served as a member of the board of directors, the technical and infrastructure deputy of the Chabahar Free Zone Organization, the board chairman of Metra Consulting Engineers, the CEO of Tekapoi Water and Power Company, and the general manager of international contracts for numerous economic firms.

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