Project introduction

Project title : Establishment of a Combined Cycle Power Plant
Project Description :

While Iran is recognized for its diverse energy resources and reserves among the world's wealthy nations, contemporary challenges such as limited fossil fuel reserves, environmental concerns, population growth, economic expansion, and increased energy consumption have led Iran, like other countries worldwide, to strive for energy security while seeking appropriate solutions to address energy challenges, particularly in preventing and mitigating environmental damages and crises. The role and significance of the electricity industry in advancing economic development plans and its application in various sectors such as industry, agriculture, etc., and its impact on accelerating research and development initiatives necessitate the electricity industry's continuous attention to ensuring the required electricity supply to various sectors, even in the short term. Undoubtedly, in line with the goal of increasing electricity production to meet growing demand, utilizing new equipment, technologies, and knowledge in the field of power generation and distribution to enhance efficiency and optimal utilization of investments becomes imperative. The project under consideration pertains to electricity or electric current.

Annual Capacity : 81,216,000 Kilos

Project status

Access to raw materials :
Sales :
Construction period :
Project status :

Financial structure

Fixed capital : 105,816,366,000,000 Rate of return on capital :
Working capital : 340,341,000,000 Payback Period (PBP) : 3
Foreing currency required : Net present value (NPV) : 58,264,037,000,000
Total investment :
Internal rate of return (IRR) : 1.7


Type of the project : establishment
Legal structure of the company : governmental

Above mentioned figures are subject time of investment